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About COOWOO COOWOO started trading online in January 2014 and was quick to establish itself as one of the leading manufacturer and seller of a wide product line, especially in the field of household LED lighting, commercial LED lighting, home improvement products and some other high-tech items. However, before online shopping became so popular COOWOO already had a history of about 20 years in manufacturing. We have been pushing ourselves for a change by creating our own website, while also selling on some popular shopping platforms like amazon, eBay, Walmart and many other famous websites.

Currently LED lighting is still our strongest point, which makes over 80% of our main business. Every sales representative of COOWOO has been doing engineering before selling, and this tradition was started from my great grandfather...

ADDRESS Room606, Guobaoanfang Building, Pingxin North Road, No.129, Pinghu Town,LonggangDistrict, Shenzhen, China
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